Privacy Policy

Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd respects your privacy and we are committed to protecting it. Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd believes in keeping your information confidential. We only collect information from you when you specifically and knowingly provide such information. Any information we collect is used for the purpose of providing you with a more satisfying and personalized shopping and browsing experience.

Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd does not share, sell or rent any personal information to other companies or third parties unless you authorize us to do so.

Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd collects and uses information in the following ways:

Order Fulfillment- When you order from our site, we request your, name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, credit card number and expiration date. This information allows us to process, fulfill and alert you to the status of your order. Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd may use this information about your purchases to enhance your shopping experience by notifying you of special promotions, functionality changes and new services that we think you will find valuable. You may choose to remove yourself from this list at any time. To be removed from this list, send an e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ..and title your e-mail "No Promotions." We may also monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout that best suits our customers.

Surveys, Site Features- We may ask you for additional information about you and your behavior and/or about your pet or business. We may request this information, but do not require that you complete this information. This information is requested to help us provide the best possible site and personalized experience on Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd. This information will be kept confidential and will be used to help us make Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd better for you.

Preferred Customer Offers- When you sign-up for the Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd Preferred Customer Offers we will ask you for your name and email address. This information is required. We may also ask you some questions in regard to your health. Our Preferred Customer Offers will contain content and product highlights, and special promotions. As part of these offers and associated promotions, Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd may send you information about services and products from partners and other companies that we think may be of interest to you. Please note, that these e-mails are sent by Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd and we do NOT give these companies or partners any personally identifiable information about our customers or users. You may choose to remove yourself from our regular email Preferred Customer Offers and/or our partner emails. To be removed you may send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The title your email should be "No Newsletter", "No Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd Promotions", "No Partner Promotions", or combination thereof that you desire.

Technical Information- Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd does place a feature on your web browser called a "cookie" to assign each member a unique number. This unique number allows Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd to track the items in their Shopping Cart and to save past purchase information. This enhances your experience by saving your Shopping Cart information so that you have the ability to view old orders. Cookies do not allow Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd to track the items to collect additional information other than the information that is provided by the member at the time of registration. In addition to cookies, Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd may collect technical information which does not allow us to identify you personally but pertains to your use of the Internet. For example, we may collect the type of Internet Browser you are using or type of e-mail messaging capabilities that you have. This information enables us to enhance the content from Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd.

Cookies- Cookies are small pieces of information stored by your web browser on the computer's hard drive. A cookie may contain information, such as a session identifier, which is used to track the pages of the sites you have visited. Most web browsers are set up to accept cookies; however, you can change your browser settings to refuse cookies. In order to fully enjoy the shopping experience at Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd, we recommend you keep your cookies "turned on".

Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd may share non personal, non-individual aggregate information or summary statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns and related site information to reputable third-party vendors. This information will never include any personally identifiable information. Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd is very protective of the privacy of its customers. If at any time Blue City Motorcycles Pty Ltd is required by law or by a legal process to release customer information, we must cooperate fully.

We are fully compliant with the Australian SPAM Act and will never supply your details to any other party or use your information in any way that you have not given your express permission.

We do not store credit card information, and any transactions to purchase the products on this site are handled by ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, ABN 11 005 357 522) eGate On line Payments under secure sockets layers (SSL)